Real Property Management Enterprises

Gardening and Gardening Tools

Gardening and lawn maintenance can be a little overwhelming at first, but it can also be fun and rewarding too. Seeing the fruits of your labor is rewarding especially if you are doing most all of the work yourself.

gardening tools

What gardening tools do you need and what exactly are they? Are you prepared for a fun day and have all the gardening tools you need?

A garden hoe is a long-handled tool usually used while standing with a flat metal edge that is used to scrape the surface of the soil. The flat hoe can also function as a sort of chopper to break up clumps of soil or to pull up small plots of weeds.

A trowel is a sort of mini hand-held shovel. It’s great for digging small holes, pulling up small patches of weeds, transplanting seedlings and can provide leverage when pulling larger plants out of pots. A handheld cultivator is like a mini rake that has curved tines. They come in short or long-handled versions. This is used to break up clumps of soil away from roots and root vegetables. A shovel can be used to overturn large plots of earth and dig holes to plant trees and shrubs. They can be curved edges, slightly pointed edges, or even a flat edge.

Garden rakes are very useful for leveling out the soil and mixing things into the soil like lime and calcium into nutrient deficient soil.

A metal garden rake can handle those heavy duty tasks more efficiently than a plastic leaf rake. Pruning shears are used to trim trees and shrubs. These come in handheld and long-handled versions. Be sure to get good quality, sharp shears to make faster work of your pruning. The long-handled shears allow you to get closer to the bushes or tree limbs that you are trying to trim. This can be really helpful because it can mean not having to use a ladder, less risk of injuring yourself.

A ladder is a great thing to have though. It’s a great idea to get brightly colored handles when purchasing your tools too, so you can easily locate them no matter where you set them down.

Gardening is a fun and rewarding hobby and especially can be fun for the whole family. Get the children involved, hope for some good weather and get outside and enjoy a day of gardening!