Real Property Management Enterprises

Deck Maintenance Tips

Deck Maintenance Tips

A well maintained deck can stand strong for many years. If ignored, however, your deck can quickly break down and become a safety hazard. Deck maintenance is crucial to ensuring a safe outdoor experience for you and your family or guests.

The following tips can help you learn how to quickly spot and signs of wear and team and properly maintain your deck.

Check for rot

Using a screwdriver, gently poke around wooden areas of your deck to check for signs of deterioration. If the wood feels soft, you may have a rot. Small areas of rot can be chiseled out and treated. If the infection is widespread, consider replacing the entire board or small sections of your deck. It is important to regularly check for rot and promptly fix any problems you find since rot can spread quickly.

Check the ledger

The ledger board (the piece that connects the deck to your home) is the most critical part of your deck. Make sure your ledger is still attached correctly and has not become loose or wobbly. Also, never use nails to connect the ledger board to your house.

Check joints and beams

Inspect all the joints and beams on your deck for rot, along with any connecting hardware for rust and erosion. If damaged, consider hiring a licensed contractor to fix or replace these essential pieces.

Check for cracks

Thoroughly wash your deck while you look for cracks and other surface problems. Replace boards as needed. You can apply a fresh stain to your deck to limit cracks and keep your deck looking fresh at all times.

Check the railings and stairs

Test your railings and stairs for stability. Loose posts can be dangerous to you and your family or guests. Test them all and tighten the ones that are loose using stainless steel bolts and screws.